Monday, February 22, 2010


I always try to please everyone, and I really want to. But seriously, every attempt ended up with a failure.

It's definitely my problem that I always couldn't look in the respective perspectives and always fail to think in each situations. And what ends up is the horrible ending where the team in hardly cheered up.

If there's a thing that I can make all my team comrades really happy and cheered up, I could promise anything I give, I am very willing to grant them the cheerful and contented smiles on their faces. I am very willing to.

But could that anything really appear? I think it wouldn't possibly will.

I'm just a failure. What else can I do? I just can't do anything. It's once again a brand new day, but all I can do is to worry and start thinking of ideas and solutions to make them happy.

But what I'm more than certain is that it'll be an absolute failure.


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