Friday, October 08, 2010

Graduation Nite CCHMS S4 2010


The Sec4 Graduation Nite ended off with a hit, or should I say, the entire Secondary school life ended with a HIT! 4FG had filled up all the missing parts and little gaps in between incomplete patterns. Tonight, I had realised that I can achieve goals beyond my thoughts. And these 2 years, I have learnt the most important lesson in my life. It is to open up.

2 years ago, I stepped into the class, I am being really honest here. I actually disliked the entire class. But slowly, time, people, friendship, emotions, feelings, and most importantly the spirit proves what I always thought was really really really utterly wrong.

Today, or right now or just now, or during the ceremony, it is the official closing of our wonder 4 years in CCHMS. And 2 years ago, I forcefully picked up 3FG, and just now, I know I have to let go of 4FG. I want to do it with pride, with honour, with my friends, with the spirit, with the right attitude. Things have never worked out this fine for me before. I have found my compass, and things were never this clear and distinctive to me.

I would like to dedicate some words to certain people. But, I don't think I have sufficient 'resources' to carry that out.

But in the end, I just want to thank you 4FG. You are the Foolish Gods!


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